Two weekends in a row I've made something stuffed. A week ago it was Braciole -- and I wish I had pics to post. Tyler Florence's Ultimate episode on the subject was the inspiration, but the ingredients were mine: spinach, mushrooms, pieces of mozzerella, carmelized onions, panko. Pretty basic and classic. It really came out amazing. Though I'd probably turn down the heat and let it cook longer for more of that "melt in your mouth" result.
Last nite, it was Goat Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts. I don't know if I'm destined to be a bad stuffer, or if it's a lack of practice. Hopefully just the latter. They tasted good -- especially with a Dijon-inspired gravy made from the braising liquid. They just don't look that pretty. I think i'll keep practicing.

What DID look pretty, but could have used some help, was the Scalloped Potatoes. Resistant to measure as I am, I made the cheese sauce off the top of my head. Tasted great, just a little runny. And the potatoes could have cooked another 15 minutes or so (even thin sliced, an hour wasn't enough).